Latest Stories


Don’t count on an OLED TV for the holidays, report warns

OLED TVs made a splash at trade shows this year, but the high cost of materials and manufacturing will prevent them from being available in volume for the upcoming holiday season, market researchers at NPD DisplaySearch say. However, that may give an opportunity for sale of Ultra HD LCD TVs to consumers looking for high-resolution screens.
12 years ago

Digital Reading Room: Past, present, and future

Our latest look at new content-rich apps starts off in the past before taking a look at some mobile offerings that point to a bright future for how we tell stories.
12 years ago

Tech companies pitch in to help in Sandy’s wake

In the wake of Sandy, technology companies are going all out when it comes to relief efforts. From text-message donations to cooperation in providing services to customers, recovery is under way.
12 years ago
Geek Tech

Self-assembling robots could be the future of snack delivery

Last week, we introduced you to a robot that had learned the dance moves to PSY’s infuriatingly catchy hit single. While CHARLI was shaking its hips Gangnam Style, four researchers were showing off self-assembling multi-robot systems at the Intelligent Robots and Systems 2012 conference.
12 years ago

Hurricane Sandy tips: how to keep cellphones powered up

Without a way to charge your gadgets, you'll want to conserve as much power as you can, especially your cell phone, as it may be your only means of communication during a massive storm. Here are some tips for keeping your phone and other gadgets alive during Hurricane Sandy.
12 years ago

Microsoft Windows Phone 8: What we know so far

Monday's unveiling of the final version of Windows Phone 8 is expected to open the floodgates to new products, some of them exclusive to particular carriers and all sporting the new interface, image-handling options, and security functions.
12 years ago

Review: Sony Alpha SLT-A77

The Sony Alpha SLT-A77 differs from conventional DSLRs, and is more useful and fun to shoot with.
12 years ago
Ultra HD name proposed for next-generation high-def TVs

Ultra HD name proposed for next-generation high-def TVs

A U.S. consumer electronics industry association is proposing that "Ultra High Definition" become the common name for a new generation of TVs that offer a resolution four times that of today's high-def standard.
12 years ago

Newsweek to drop print edition at the end of 2012

Tina Brown, editor-in-chief of Newsweek, announced that the December 31 issue of the magazine will be its last printed edition. Newsweek will instead focus on tablet and online publishing.
12 years ago

In the Office: SF MusicTech 2012

We discuss some of the new apps, websites, and businesses featured at this year's SF MusicTech.
12 years ago

Review: Incase Sonic is a solid all-around headphone

The Sonic is not an audiophile headphone, but its warm, natural sound; comfortable fit; and attractive and practical design make it a solid buy, especially at street prices.
12 years ago

Field Test: Pentax K-30

If you're shooting outdoors under harsh conditions, the Pentax K-30 will let you keep your mind on your photos, instead of fretting about the camera.
12 years ago

Camera shopping quick tips

Ready to buy a digital camera? Jump right in. In this section of our digital camera buying guide, we'll cut to the chase and give you some basic tips for making a decision.
12 years ago

Camera specs explained

In this section of our digital camera buying guide, we'll dissect what some often-mysterious camera specs mean in the real world.
12 years ago

Choosing the right kind of digital camera

In this section of our digital camera buying guide, we'll explain the differences between the most popular types of cameras and help you pick a winner.
12 years ago

Media streamer buying guide

If your HDTV doesn't have a network connection, or doesn't support your preferred content sources, you'll want to consider a media streamer. Here's what to look for.
12 years ago
Geek Tech

Ding dong! Wireless doorbell informs you of visitors with a text message

One of the worst things that can happen while expecting a package is not hearing the doorbell ring. Not only do you miss out on getting your cool swag, but now you have to make a trip to the post office—the most depressing place on Earth. Someone must felt our collective pain and thought up this sweet doorbell hack.
12 years ago